Thursday, August 25, 2011

For The Week of August 24, 2011

Lincoln Lynch-Omphalocele, TX Children’s Hospital
Cindy Taylor-recovering from kidney transplant and surgery complications, possibly more surgery
Andie Ruth Williams (Andy & Holly Williams new baby)-in hospital recovering from complications from being born with pneumonia
Emerson Sladacek (Brandon & Ashley’s new baby)-cord wrapped around neck when born, baby in ICU checking for any brain damage

Harold Madden-several health problems
Eddie Vaughn-prostate cancer, recovering from surgery
Linda Morris-undergoing rehab therapy at home
Ashley Bradford-pregnancy complications; bed rest for duration of pregnancy
Pat Day-early stages of Alzheimer’s
Mike Crandall-leukemia
Missy Krukiel-Liver disease
Karsten Langford (friend of C.Cannon)- muscular dystrophy
Chris Womack (friend of H.Tupa)-Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
Tim Murphy (coworker of S.Gumm)-paralyzed from waist down, rehab
Jason Smyrl & Family-(friend of L.Robert’s)-on dialysis, needs kidney transplant
Rosemary Oliver (friend of B.Henry)-breast cancer
Donna Cooper (friend of Bourque’s)-lung cancer
SanMiguel Family-unspoken request
Brandon & Melissa Dove-unspoken request
Kathy Lyons (H. Tupa’s mom)-chronic lymphocytic leukemia
JoAnne Bouquet (J.Pettitte’s neice)-prayer for family
Marvin & JoAnn Dunn (Bro. Dunn’s brother & sis-in-law)-serious health problems
Candice Chapman (Mrs. Dunn’s niece)-undergoing radiation treatment for thyroid cancer
Daniel Penrod (friend of A.Johnson)-in late 20s, cancer in back and lymph nodes
Debbie George (C. Cannon’s sister)-several health issues
Allen Victory (P.Grave’s dad)- congestive heart failure
Ernest Solis (M. Solis’ dad)-serious health issues
Mary Ann Swan (friend of Chandlers)-brain and lung cancer
Afton May (friend of S.Johnson)-21 yr. old undergoing brain tumor surgery
Ross Benson (friend of J.Blocker)-prostate cancer
Kathy Freudenberg Pearsall (friend of B.Henry)-aggressive breast cancer
Patsy Johnson (A.Johnson’s mom)-MS complications, bladder problems, severe pain
Jennifer Terry (friend of Etelka Pettit)-needing kidney transplant
Brinley Blackstock (K. Taylor’s coursin)-3 yr. old leukemia
Brandon Johnson (13 yr. old)-brain cancer, blind & crippled
Elaine Cook (friend of S.Mathis)-complications from diabetes
Debbie Barnes (J.Hamer’s sister)-serious health issues
Beth Medliane (H.William’s grandmother)-emphysema, hospice care
Reba Hussey (friend of L.Taylor)-waiting on lung transplant
Mark Williamson (friend of L.Taylor)-stomach cancer
Lucille Evans (M.Evans grandma)-cancer
Barbara Darling (M.Evans aunt)-cancer
Angela Linkenhoker Whitten (friend of H.Williams)-cancerous brain tumor
Jerry Dewease (friend of G.Lambert)-prostate cancer
Herb Pringle (co-worker of A.Williams)-Parkinson’s
Darrell Williamson (friend of A. Williams)-diabetes complications
Michelle Hodge (B.Hamer’s neice)-liver problems
Gary Ingram (R.Sweezy’s step dad)-stomach cancer
Angie Stevenson (friend of A.Wingo)-incurable stomach cancer
TJ Watts (friend Jeri Sue Hamer)-child with cancer in need of white blood cells
Nancy Thomas (friend of J.Henley)-Leukemia and stage 3 kidney disease
Jamie Rodriguez (friend of A.Russell)-terminal virus
Ben Coldwell (friend of A. Williams)-8 year old with cancer
Cecile (T. Brien’s aunt)-fell and broke her hip, recovering from surgery
Brett Dunn-Severe eyesight problems, undergoing treatment
Audreigh Yeates (C.Skidmore, M.Clifford’s neice)-recovering from serious 4-wheeler accident
Colton Bailey (Cannon’s grandson)-ICU, in ketoacidosis, extremely high blood sugar, urgent prayer request
Hicks’ grandson-recovering from injuries sustained from a serious motorcycle accident

Shanti Singh-La Porte Healthcare Center
Janet Johnson
Edwina Young
Nate Hopper
Elwood Hicks-dialysis; dementia
Marguerite Mathis-Courtyards at Pasadena
Mary Cunningham

Nathan Itle
Stephanie Roberts
Shaun Green
Myatt Carwile
Josh Jenkins
Jeremiah Golden
Wesley Kellogg
Derek Hannahs

Weekly prayer for Pastor Tim:
I pray that my pastor will use wise time
management, and that he will seek
God’s perspective for his schedule,
guarding his time against unnecessary
interruptions. (Eph.5:15-16; Col.4:5; Ps.
90:12; John 9:4).

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